Totally Simple Teriyaki Chicken Stir-fry


Most days of the week, aka everyday of the week 😉 I am pressed for time or just feel too lazy to spend a long time cooking my meals. Furthermore, eating out can be extremely pricey, especially if you are on a college budget like me. Instead of spending my college years just eating ramen, I learn to cook super yummy, simple and budget friendly recipes , like my teriyaki chicken stir-fry.

Fresh ingredients 1) Onion 2) Chicken Breast 3) Garlic 4) Bell Pepper

Fresh ingredients
1) Onion 2) Chicken Breast 3) Garlic 4) Bell Pepper

Cooking Instructions 1) Lightly sauté chopped onions, garlic and bell peppers (I also added frozen vegetable I found in my freezer. Just add whatever type of veggies you like.) 2) Add to your sauté, small cut up chicken breast pieces. Cook chicken until it is no longer pink. 3) Pour enough terriaki sauce in your pan so everything has an even coating. (I like to use Kikkoman teriyaki sauce) 4) Continue to cook until all your ingredients are evenly coated and the sauce has heated

Cooking Instructions
1) Lightly sauté chopped onions, garlic and bell peppers (I also added frozen vegetables I found in my freezer. Just add whatever type of veggies you like.)
2) Add to your sauté, small cut up chicken breast pieces. Cook chicken until it is no longer pink.
3) Pour enough terriaki sauce in your pan so everything has an even coating. (I like to use Kikkoman teriyaki sauce.)
4) Continue to cook until all your ingredients are evenly coated and the sauce has heated up.

If you want, place the teriyaki stir-fry over some brown rice and bon appétit!

If you want, place the teriyaki stir-fry over some brown rice and bon appétit!

Just remember that making a delicious meal doesn’t mean that you have to spend hours behind the stove!

There’s a Spaghetti Imposter on the Loose!!!


Who is this imposter? …. it’s the spaghetti squash!

Be on the look out for this tasty and healthy spaghetti imposter. You can find the spaghetti squash lurking in the squash section of any grocery store’s produce section. This lovely squash is so much better for you than traditional spaghetti noodles. It is low carb and only has 40 calories per one cup of noodles versus 220 calories per traditional cup of pasta. Plus this healthy find is loaded with nutrients, such as potassium and magnesium. Additionally, just like traditional pasta, you can top the squash noodles with any one of your favorite tomato or alfredo sauces. If that isn’t enough to convince you to make the switch from traditional pasta to spaghetti squash noodles, I think the fact that the squash’s inside actually strings into noodles is an awesome enough reason. Finally at the end of the day, be guilt free for going back for that second or even third serving of spaghetti squash noodles.

Spaghetti or Squash?

Spaghetti or Squash?

Choose a firm squash with a dry rind and no soft spots or holes.

Choose a firm squash with a dry rind and no soft spots.

Cooking Instructions 1) Preheat oven to 400 degrees 2) Cut the squash in half  3) Coat flesh side with olive oil and a sprinkle of salt and pepper 4) Place flesh side down on baking sheet 5) Bake for 50-60 minutes

Cooking Instructions
1) Preheat oven to 400 degrees
2) Cut the squash in half
3) Lightly coat flesh side with olive oil and a sprinkle of salt and pepper
4) Place flesh side down on baking sheet
5) Bake for 50-60 minutes

Baked spaghetti squash right after the baking process

Baked spaghetti squash right after the cooking process

Extracting the "Spaghetti Noodles" 1) With a spoon gently remove the inside seeds 2) Use a fork to gently remove the spaghetti flesh from the squash's shell

Extracting the “spaghetti noodles”
1) With a spoon gently remove the inside seeds
2) Use a fork to gently remove the spaghetti flesh from the squash’s shell

Voila, Spaghetti Noodles!!!

Voila, spaghetti squash noodles!!!